What motivates you to keep creating even when not selling?

 My sales have slowed down lately.  I had been averaging 2 paintings a month.  This month is almost over and I've only sold one and its was a commissioned piece. It does bring me down a little bit, I'd love to sell all of my paintings and have others enjoy them and I'd also benefit from the money right now with having to pay the bills from my knee surgery.

I know things will always turn out how they need to be.  I know that my sales will be pick up soon.  Times are hard on everyone right now with the world so upside down at times.  I keep painting though, I have found a way to express myself on a canvas with the beauty I see around me.  I love looking out the window on a drive and looking at the clouds how they are shaped or the colors in the sky and how they blend from one color to the next.

I get inspired by what I see around me and then I get excited to try to paint what I saw in that moment.  Being creative is important to me and keeps me balanced. I find ways to stay creative even when I'm not selling.  I have started to learn watercolor.  It is different and little harder to paint than with acrylics. Sometimes I get my mixed media pad out and trace out or draw a picture and then I use oil pastels or watercolor pencils to play with and just create.

I create for me and to share with others.  I create for me because it brings happiness and joy to my life and that makes it easy to give back happiness and joy to others through my paintings or just through a little hello or smile from me.

Happiness, joy and being creative keeps me motivated to paint when I'm not selling.


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