A little whimsy in your life


The woman in the picture has become a very good friend to me.  She and I work together, we share an office together too.  We've laughed and sung at the top of lungs to 80s songs. We've enjoyed a painting afternoon at her house.  We painted, ate pizza and watched an odd weird movie in the background!  We have even cried together and then we were right back to laughing and talking about what painting or project we are working on at home.

At times we have so much in common and then the next moment we are the opposite of each other. Usually she is cold all day in our office and I'm hot wishing I had a fan on my desk.  I will come in full of energy in the morning talking up a storm and she will sit there nodding and letting me talk.  By the afternoon I'm quite and have less energy but by the afternoon she is full of energy and going nonstop.

She will tell you that I inspired her to get back into painting again after 20 years and 5 children later.  I just wanted to see her happy again from the inside out.  When you do the things that you love and are apart of you it helps you to live a more balanced and happy life in this upside world we live in.  I just encouraged her to get back to that point in her life.

She on the other hand has brought a whirlwind of energy around me.  She is always going and whirling around with this or that and she has a huge heart for her family and she loves animals as if they were her children too.  Her heart is so big, she loves and cares with her whole being!

She has inspired me to try different mediums to work with and to explore my whimsy side in my painting.  I have been trying out watercolor and gouache.  I've been trying to draw.  I been painting more flowers and not giving up on them. 

She is my buddy, my bestie!  Its been a long time that I've had a good friend.  It is awesome that we can work so well together at work and have our art in common to talk about.  We can share and encourage each other.


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