Why do I create Art?
I create art for others and in turn it is for me too. I love to be creative it brings me joy. I want to share with others and help bring joy to them as well so its through my art that I can do that. Art has also helped keep my balanced when life can get a little a crazy or things around me turn upside down. Art is an expression that allows me to let go and create. I try to be creative daily, sometimes I can and others I can't. If I go too long without having a moment to be creative then I get a little stressed and unsettled. Its at that point that I know I need a little time to be creative. At times its simply just coloring in a coloring book, or doodling in my planner or even writing. I like to write too its a great outlet. Most of all my passion is to paint so I make the time to paint when ever I can. I love sharing my art with others. It brings me great joy and also joy to them too.
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