Why I choose landscape

I find beauty outside, its funny when I was a twelve years old my parents were always trying to get me to go outside and do something or help them work in the yard.  I wasn't interested, I was completely content in staying in my room, laying on my bed reading a book or listening to my records.  Its funny how when we are so young we just don't understand what we need to in order to appreciate our surroundings.

As I got older I soon discovered the beauty of a sunset or a little bird sitting in a nest in a big beautiful tree surrounded by big green leaves. Now at 50 I can't get enough time to get out and enjoy the outdoors or to sit by a window and just stare at the view before me. I love looking at the sky and the colors that spread across it at the end of the day.

Landscape paintings have the power to bring about a positive mood and a feeling of relation.  Landscapes have a way of soothing your mind and refreshing it with inspiration all  the same time.  Sometimes deep hopeful emotions can get stirred up and brought forward to a more positive frame of mind.

I love trying to capture the character of the tree or the rolling hill in the background.  Mountains stand so tall and strong and then there are cool rushing rivers over rocks, all having their own special character to them as you look at them.  I love painting landscape it brings peace and balance to my life and I hope through my paintings it can help bring the same to someone else along the way.


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