Creativity on Paper



I recently played around with a few sheets of canvas paper instead of painting on a stretched canvas. It was a little different but it was nice too.  I was impressed with how thick and strong the paper was and that didn't really curl up while painting on it or even when it dried either.  The paintings below were very fun to work on.  I took all the left over paint on my palette from another painting that I had just finished on a stretched canvas and just began using my brush and making little marks and short strokes with my brush.  Before too long I had a flow and enjoying just seeing what kind of marks I could make on the paper with the type of brush I was using at the time.  It didn't take too long before the marks started to look like a flowers.  I enjoyed the fun and freedom of not having a plan and just using left over colors and making marks on the paper to develop these paintings that are perfect just as is and ready to be put in a frame and displayed on a wall.


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