Sets backs but still smiling

It started back in December, my hands started to give me issues. I freaked out because you need your hands to do everything! I also enjoying writing and painting so if I were to get to where I couldn't do those things anymore I would be lost. Seriously lost! They both have a great deal to keeping me balanced and peaceful in my life. My right hand started to hurt the worst in my thumb and wrist while all my fingers would ache. My left wasn't as bad but soon it became the same as the right one. I have arthritis in my finger tips and in both wrist, worse in my right one. Also suffering from De Quervain's Tenosynotitis-a paint condition affecting the tendons on my thumb and side of wrist. It will take a long time to heal the tendon until then I have to take it easy and go in for shots of cortisone to help. I have had two rounds of shots in my wrists, they hurt so bad also left bruising from the inside out. Then there is the snow! Winter winter.....w...